
We are
  • real-estate experts
  • tech professionals
  • world-class designers
  • skilled renovators

We remove every barrier to comfortably renovate your space. We ensure that your vision smoothly translates to reality. We guarantee timeliness and quality. Relax, while we take care of your renovation – from the initial consultation to final handover.

Reno brings delight back to Renovations

We truly believe that creating your dream space should be an enjoyable experience and not something you dread. That’s why we started Reno -  we are your trusted partner, renovation mentor, and an ally from start to finish.

Marc Michel (Co-founder & CEO)

Marc Michel (Co-founder & CEO)

Our Story


Welcome to Reno, where dreams of perfect spaces become a reality. Our journey began with a simple yet profound belief: that renovations are rare experiences in our lives and as such, they should be delightful, not dreadful.

The idea for Reno was born out of personal experience. While finishing their homes, Amr and Marc saw their dream projects turn into nightmares due to budget overruns, timeline delays, and money shortages. Realizing that there must be a better way to renovate, Amr and Marc teamed with Farah to create Reno, and make delightful renovations accessible to everyone


The Beginning

A Vision of Excellence

Our vision at Reno is to make every renovation a delightful experience. We transform the renovation process into something enjoyable, hassle-free, and accessible, ensuring that our customers feel excited and satisfied every step of the way


Our Mision

Building Dreams, One Space at a Time

Our mission is simple: to transform spaces and elevate lives. We are committed to delivering exceptional results, fostering lasting relationships, and creating environments that inspire and delight.


Since we’ve started…
  • ...we gathered a strong team of 22 brilliant minds
  • ...we partnered with Dubai Holding, Keyper & Manzil
  • ...we obtained a MISA license for Saudi Arabia
  • ...we received backing from the region’s most respected venture capital companies

Core Values

The Foundation of Reno

We are backed by

An amazing group of forward thinking investors



We have partnered with

Organizations that believe in Reno’s vision